AI-optimized pharma patient support program drives adherence

Artificial Intelligence

A leading pharmaceutical company engaged AllazoHealth on a multi-year project using artificial intelligence to optimize a patient support program for a major product.

Overcoming an adherence challenge

The pharmaceutical company faced a challenge: An estimated 50% of patents stopped taking their medication within the first 30 days of treatment. The objective was to increase patient engagement and overcome adherence barriers by offering personalized support.

The project helped patients within the first 30 days of treatment through a customized, multi-channel program designed to help increase patients’ days on therapy while leveraging AllazoHealth’s AI engine to help them stay on track with their medication. The program was aimed not only at deepening engagement but increasing enrollment.

AI optimizes prediction and intervention

By using AllazoHealth’s AI engine, the pharmaceutical company could predict an individual patients’ adherence risk at a given point in time for multiple behaviors (including risk of becoming non-adherent and risk of missing days). In addition the AI engine accurately predicted how much a specific intervention would change a patient’s risk of non-adherence.

Increased engagement in the patient support program

Compared with a population not targeted by the AI engine, the AI targeted patient group generated a 4.6 times greater increase (vs. control) in length of therapy than the non-AI targeted group.

Emails powered by AI were 4.5x more effective than randomly assigned targeting.

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